Thursday 9 September 2010

Pandora's box

In Literacy  we  were  writing a letter to Zeus and we were pretending to be Epimetheus. Here is my work.  What do you think of my work? Gurdeep


  1. i like your diary its very nice.

    from mallica

  2. I like your Literacy work because the background of Pandora holding the box and it looks affective,I think it's amazing:)

  3. I like your work and your background and if I saw that i a book I would read it

  4. I like your work and the background of Pandora opening the box looks really good.from hannah

  5. A good letter Gurdeep, you have organised your ideas into paragraphs well. You have thought carefully about how Epimetheus might be feeling and expressed this in your writing well. I like how you have used a simile and compared Pandora's hair to a lion's mane! You have presented your work in an effective way.

  6. This letter is outstanding Gurdeep you have used a range of vocabulary and a simile. There are many adjectives they describe the letter well and make it sound more interesting. The background picture engages the reader and it looks really phenomenal. Well done I can see you’ve worked really hard on this letter.
    by calum

  7. What a fantastic comment Calum. This will really help Gurdeep, and others, with their work! Can you think of anything Gurdeep could do to improve his work?

  8. i like gurdeep that your work should be publisih in the news or in the paper.

  9. Gurdeep i have seen your work it is fab!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. denieka
    I have seen your work.Well done.
