Friday 24 June 2011

The Piano - By Amari

An old, wrinkly man is playing a weary tune alone. As he plays his sorrowful tune he remembers his stressful past. He plays on. A soft tender hand gently places itself onto his own. He is remembering his wife. In his mind a sweet kiss reaches his face. His heart is shattered into pieces as the memory slowly fades away. As he continues his heart breaking tune his painful mind takes him back to World War 2. As the man and his ally take cover behind a crumbly brick wall, the now youthful man tells his troop to open fire. BANG! He takes a shot. His friend is taken down. As he holds his dying friends hand tragically his friend’s life fades away. He’s gone.  Back in the present day his once sorrowful tune begins to speed up. His spirits seem to life as a brief smile appears on his face. His memory is a happy one.
As a young boy his mother presents him with a neatly wrapped gift.  He opens it and his face lights up with happiness. He rides and rides and rides around the piano on a hobby horse. His legs carry him as fast as his tune as the memory blends into the present day. His young grandson carefully places his hobby horse on the floor and joins his grandfather at the piano to end the tune together on a happy note. Lovingly, they stare into each other’s eyes and begin a new tune.

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