Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Using QR Codes

Today children in 5B used QR codes for the first time. A QR code is like a barcode which can be read by special software on computers or smartphones. Free sites online allow you to convert web address into these 'barcodes'. Once you 'scan' the code using a camera the software opens the link in a web browser.

In Literacy the children performed presentations. These were filmed using flipcams and uploaded to the internet. The children then used a QR code generator to generate a code which was stuck into their books. This allows anyone looking through the books to scan the QR code and view their presentations online.


  1. Hello,

    we believe that QR codes will make the connection between offline and online worlds easier. That's why we created our QR code generator with social features - YouScan.me. You can add all your info like Facebook profile or fan page, twitter, youtube, etc. and connect with others.


  2. Hi,

    You have gone through from your post really it is nice.You have good defined the QR code, it is like a barcode which can be read by special software on computers or smartphones. Free sites online allow you to convert web address into these 'barcodes'. To know more about the QR codes kindly visit at QR Codes
