Thursday 6 January 2011

Art in Motion

In Art we have been looking at how artists show movement in their work. Calum has used GIMP to create a picture that shows motion.


  1. hi it is denieka i am having a grate time at my new school.I have made lots of frinds but I realy miss all of you.denieeka

  2. Lovely to hear from you Denieka. I'm glad you like your new school, make sure you work hard and take some St Mary's with you!
    Mr B

  3. hi mr b happy new year I miss u all beause I was i'll but I am coming back to school on monday and good work

  4. Hi denieka hope you are having a lovely time at your new school.Hope you made lots of friends.We all miss you come and visit sometime.It was nice having you at St.Mary's.

  5. Hi Denieka how are you it is lovely to hear from you nice to know that your enjoying your new school please visit some time at the moment we all miss you dearly.

  6. thamk you, missing you to i have moved to a male teacher now a fmale teacher her name is miss stokes, my frineds are Zoe Chloe madison and more.denieka

  7. hey i done this in Mr Smith's class i done very good work :) im so proud of my work in 56's class :)
