Wednesday 19 October 2011

Black and Asian History

For Black and Asian history we have been learning about Nelson Mandela. Children have been writing speeches persuading people to end apartheid. Here is Celeste's work.

Greetings my fellow South Africans, my name is Celeste Nembhard. I work for the African National Congress party. I originate from Pretoria and I am here in the spectacular South Africa to warn you about the disgraceful horrible apartheid. My dear brothers and sisters there needs to be change and I am here to make a change.

Surely you would join me in protest as it’s an abomination how Blacks and Asians are not allowed to vote. We, the people of South Africa, own this country and for our rights to be taken away from us means all our time we spent queuing and lining up to vote has gone to waste.

Medical care is needed, especially in the poorer parts of South Africa but no black doctor could take care of a patient as well as a white doctor because they will not have had access to the same training and therefore will not be as qualified. My family your nation is dying out, you need to stand up for what you believe in and save lives. Poor helpless animals suffer when they are abandoned and it’s the same with our people squashed up in tiny corrugated metal huts. The facilities that we live in are vile and disgusting and it needs to stop immediately!

Are we expected to just sit here and suck it in? Would you like it if you had to be treated like a slave living in poor conditions? Naturally I feel that Africa should be respected as a country not one by one.
God save South Africa


  1. Gerald (Celeste's dad)19 October 2011 at 18:40

    After Barack Obama's acceptance speech for the Presidency of the USA this has to be the next best speech I have ever read/heard!!

    I vote for Celeste! You should too!

    Well done Celeste - keep up the excellent work!

  2. Celeste's Dad - Celeste delivered her speech brilliantly whilst we had important visitors in our class. One of the visitors told the class that she had heard Nelson Mandela speak in person and that Celeste's speech was even better than the one she heard the great man himself deliver! Well done Celeste keep up the OUTSTANDING work!

  3. YES one day celeste will be the next president its fab and well done

  4. thank you thank you hold the applaud

  5. karina mum (sanita)27 October 2011 at 20:19

    i really like your work, keep it up well done celeste like karina said your speech was like Nlson Mndela speech

  6. An inspirational speech Celeste. Well done.
