Tuesday 20 September 2011

Spider's Web

In Literacy we have been looking at a story called Spiders web. The children have been writing letters, pretending to be a character from the story. Here is Malachi's effort.

Dear Mother
Today you would not believe what I got up to,
I managed to trick my future mother in law and have a mini feast in one go.
It started when the other animals and I went up to heaven to find some wives. Everybody was chatting and gibbering about who they would choose as wives. I, on the other hand, was starving so I set off to find food. After a little bit of walking I found a small hut. I went in it an found a colossal pile of juicy, sweet beniseed. Without hesitation I immediately jumped into the pile and started feasting. After that long snack I realized that the pile of beniseed was no longer a pile, instead just a small heap. My ugly, old future mother in law would kill me if she found out. Luckily your son had a cunning plan, I took a handful of beniseed and wiped it on spider pretending, to brush some dust off him. Soon after that mean, old brat (future mother in law) came in complaining that someone had stole the beniseed. Cunningly,  I said lets search the fur of the animals to see who ate the beniseed. We searched all of the animals except spider who was left last as part of the plan. Then I blamed it on spider and now he's in big trouble

Yours sincerely     HARE


  1. I love it you are very smart and welldone

  2. nice i like the connectives and adjectives lovely comment karina :)

  3. Good Effort Malachi you did a brillant job. I like your time connectives.

  4. i am with jade it is a brillant job and i love your time connectives and
