Friday 2 December 2011

Suspense Writing

As soon I walked through dark forest the smell of dampness slivered through my nose. When I ran the mud was like quick sand. The wind sounded like a howling wolf. As I tiptoed a tree clicked its fingers made me jump. Would I die or live? For now I would live. I thought a wolf a was behind me. When I turned around there was a old scary abandoned house.

I ran through the trees to the old scary abandoned house. I thought I might find my mum there. I looked at the house. It looked back. It felt like I was in the dark scary haunted house. I was so scared. Scared to death. It felt like I was getting smacked by ghosts. My cries were not heard. It felt like I was shivering. Would I live or would I die?

By Jade

The opaque fog took away glowing football in the damp sky. Howling wind made me jump. The icy cold wind brushed my hair. My heart was beating like a drum. I ran like a cheetah through the dead of night. I was tripping over rotting animal remains as i ran.

I thought I saw my mum in the distance. It seemed like I took ten minutes of running to travel a hundred metres. I got there. Unfortunately it was just my mum's coat.

By Javarne

As I entered the woods my heart started to beat fast. Fast like how a cheetah runs. The wind was blowing. Blowing heavily on me like a hurricane. I was terrified. I was scared. Scared out my skin.

I hardly could see anything because the fog was pitch black but I could see a crystal sky. I then wondered if I would live or die. I then saw something. I thought it was dead animals. It smelt really bad. I saw something. Something that I thought that I’d seen before. I thought it was my dog. I took a step forward I then realised it was a fox. I yelled help but nobody heard.

By Halimah

I ran through the forest because I heard the wind and it sounded like a wolf. The fog was pitch black. As I ran I started to sweat. I was scared. Scared out of my mind. The dark and scary forest was dark like midnight. The wind was loud because it hit the trees and the trees rustled.

I ran to a tree. I thought it was my mum and my dad. I looked at a shadow. It looked like wolf eyes were all around me. I was petrified. Petrified of the wolf. But no it was spooky trees.

By Ishan

The air was attacking me like hurricane as I walked through the deep creepy woods. As the wind rushed through my skin I tripped over a dead fox. I almost fell in fear of death as blood was all over my legs. I was scared. Scared out of my life. I kept asking myself would I survive? There was a creepy sound. I ran for my life. Splash. I fell into a pond. Frantically I swam. I thought I saw my dog but when I got there it was a football. My heart sank. I felt sad and alone. 

By Jaidon


  1. Well Done Jade and Oyinde. I am reading this from Bermuda. I am Jade's god-mother Shandy. Well Done to everyone. Keep up the good work. Excellent writing.

  2. Thanks for the kind comment. It's great to see that our work is being seen all over the world!
